Numbers, Data, and Facts: A Source of Perspective
Are you, like me, a fan of numbers, data, and facts? I often find myself diving into studies, books, and podcast episodes that broaden my perspective and provide fresh insights.
In my work, current numbers, data, and facts play a significant role. Properly interpreting data requires a blend of methodical approaches and critical thinking. Several effective methods support this process:
- Data visualization
- Qualitative and quantitative analyses
- Data literacy
- Continuous reflection and adjustment
Perception, Self-Leadership, and Communication
The way people perceive the world is heavily influenced by their self-leadership and communication. I believe it’s essential for entrepreneurial individuals and leaders to reflect on and shape their own perceptions and thinking patterns.
Our view of the world is shaped by our experiences, values, and beliefs, yet these are not solid facts.
In my consulting and workshops, I encourage participants to:
- Broaden their perspectives
- Remain open to new ideas and approaches
This fosters personal growth and leads to better collaboration and innovation within organizations.
Indicators of a Fulfilling Life
In the realm of self-leadership and personal effectiveness, measurable indicators can guide us. Alongside (business) success, I believe these indicators also—or perhaps especially—include the criteria for a fulfilling, “good” life.
- What should guide us?
- What are the indicators of a good, fulfilling life?
In my current book, Self-Leadership: The Key To Being Productive, I dedicate a whole chapter to precisely these indicators of a good life. Among other things, I examine the approaches of Positive Psychology (Wellbeing) and the OECD’s Better Life Index.
Currently, my six indicators or conditions for “wellbeing” are:
- Creativity / Expression
- Using and Developing My Talents
- “Me Time”
- Making a Contribution
- Lightness
- Constructive Relationships
I regularly ask myself what my own conditions for contentment are. And, as you might expect, I check many numbers, data, and facts to answer this.
Warm regards,
Dr. Burkhard Bensmann